Dominican Republic Odds & Ends

436 LH, bottom margin copy with perfs missing at bottom $5

449 NH top margin copy with perfs missing at top $4

473v NH Imperf Pair, $40

529v NH Imperf Single with the red in the flag completely omitted $25

558v NH interesting freak in horiz strip of 3.  Double perfs between  first and second stamp, no perfs between stamps 2 and 3.  In addition, this is a top margin copy with no perfs at top and appears to be Imperf at bottom as well $50

561-4,C122--complete set NH, Imperf pairs $150

565-9--complete set NH, Imperf pairs $165

563 vertical pair, NH, imperf horizontally $42.50

572-3, C124-5--complete set NH, Imperf pairs $150

575,C126-7--complete set NH, Imperf pairs $120

587-8,C129--complete set NH, Imperf pairs $120

588 horizontal pair, imperf vertically $40

589-90,C130-1--complete set NH, Imperf pairs $150

591-3,C132-3--complete set NH, Imperf pairs $175

627-8v Horizontal pairs, imperf vertically $55

1094-1095, Imperf margin singles, Edifil UPAEP #60A-B, $200

1308 freak perfs,$ sign on right stamp is on the stamp on the left, $12

1371 gutter pair, NH $15

1395v blue line across the $12 value  $5

1397 Presentation folder, nicely decorated on outside, inside contains a mint single, and FDC and the Post Office announcement for this issue.  All for just $18. (oversized for shipping)

1399-400 Imperf pairs $75

1406-7 Imperf pairs $150

1411-12 Imperf pairs $150

1419-1420 Imperf pairs, NH  $100

1419-20 Imperf pair, with one of each stamp separated by a gutter, $150

1419-20 Imperf gutter strips, one each of 1419 and 1420 $150

1462 Imperf pair $75

1463 Imperf block of 4 $40

1466-7 Imperf pairs, $50

1468 Imperf pair $30

1469 Imperf pair $40

1470 Imperf block of 4 $40

1471 Imperf block of 4 $40

1475B Freak perf shifted down 10mm into the design of stamp $10

1476-7 Imperf pair $150

1478 Pairs of unseparated SS $150

C132 horizontal pair, NH, imperf vertically $40

RA15v  Pair, imperf between vertically, LH  $10

RA48 vertical pair, imperf horizontally $40