About Ken Nieser and Nieser Stamps and Coins

     Ken Nieser has been dealing in stamps for 40 years, starting as a satchel dealer in his junior high school, reselling stamps he had bought from H.E. Harris and Garcelon Stamps.  As a teenager, he began to specialize in the stamps of Latin America and began renting tables at local bourses in the Syracuse, New York area.  In 1986, after completing graduate school, Ken relocated to Houston and bought the non-Mexico Latin American stock of Colonel William Shelton.  Since then, Ken has continued to build this stock into the largest and most comprehensive stock of Latin America available in the United States.

     Ken speaks fluent Spanish and Portuguese and can read and write French.  He has a master's degree in Latin American Studies (political science, economics) from the University of Texas at Austin and a BA from the University of Buffalo in political science and Spanish.  He worked 18 years as a bilingual elementary school teacher and for the past ten years has been working in educational research at the University of Houston.

     Ken is married to Ana Maria.  He has two sons, Kevin (20) and Nicolas (12).  Most of Ken's stamp dealing is mail order but he occasionally will do a stamp show.